Westbury Group LLC

The investment bank for enterprises

Business Owner? Request a Contact

Need capital to fund your growth?

Westbury’s network spans thousands of potential investors.

As a business owner, you know that capital is the foundation for growing a business. And now, you‘re
sitting on a terrific opportunity: you just need the capital to bring your strategy to life. 

But raising capital is a very challenging process, particularly in today‘s business environment. There
are many different forms of capital. Investors have become more and more sophisticated. And there are
a wide range of SEC regulations that must be followed. 

Westbury has the experience to navigate around the stumbling blocks and help you to secure that
much-needed capital from the right investor. We‘ve got the facts and figures to prove it: 

  • Over $100 billion in 25+ major market deals
  • Over $6.1 billion in 16o+ mid-market deals
  • -$3 billion closed mid-market deals
  •  190+ years of investment banking experience
  •  160+ years of operating experience 

Request a discussion with a Westbury banker

Please call(203)941-0066 or fill out this form

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