Westbury Group LLC

The investment bank for enterprises

Business Owner? Request a Contact

If you can’t beat 'em, buy 'em

Westbury can help

You’ve built a strong business. Whether you founded it yourself, took over the family firm, or bought a
company and improved it, you see opportunities where others don’t. 

Now you’re thinking about accelerating your growth by buying competitors, or companies in adjacent
geographies or product markets—however you have to keep a firm hand on running your existing
business too. 

Westbury can help: we manage the acquisition process for our clients, so they can realize the vision of
what their business can become. Moreover, our vast network of connections will help you discover
hidden targets that you otherwise might never uncover. 

We’ve got the facts and figures to prove it:

  • Over $100 billion in 25+ major market deals 
  • Over $6.1 billion in 160+ mid-market deals 
  • ~$3 billion closed mid-market deals 
  • 190+ years of investment banking experience 
  • 160+ years of operating experience

Request a discussion with a Westbury banker

Please call(203)941-0066 or fill out this form

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